Vision, mission, and values

Since 1960, MLS Architects has been dedicated to serving a wide range of clients. Our commitment to reliability, consistency, and accessibility sets us apart in delivering quality buildings that meet the specific needs of communities in Northwestern Quebec, the James Bay region, and Nunavik.

Our Vision: “To improve living environments in our communities.”
Our Mission: “Building a harmonious and long-lasting architecture.”
Our Values: “Innovation + Rigor + Sustainability + Loyalty + Quality of Life.”


Arrival of Architect Marcel Monette in Val-d’Or

Architect Marcel Monette joins Jean Charles Fortin, the first architect to practice in Val-d’Or, and contributes to the construction of several churches in the region.


Opening of Marcel Monette’s Architecture Firm in Val-d’Or

Opening his own architecture firm in Val-d’Or, Marcel Monette responds to the increasing number of construction projects associated with the city’s development.


Eugène Leclerc joins the team of Monette and St-Denis

Marcel Monette and Eugène Leclerc, classmates and both graduates of the University of Montreal, join forces to work together collaboratively.


The architectural firm of Monette, Leclerc, St-Denis is established

The architectural firm is officially created, with Marcel Monette, Eugène Leclerc, and Jacques St-Denis as the founders.


Historic agreement forged with Indigenous communities

The Quebec government has reached an unprecedented agreement with Indigenous communities in Northern Quebec, resulting in accelerated regional development.


Arrival of young architects Martin St-Denis and Brian Faubert at MLS

Martin St-Denis and Brian Faubert have joined MLS as architects, bringing their expertise and enthusiasm to the firm. Their valuable contributions help ensure the continued success and high-quality services that MLS is known for.


Laurie and Anick Marchand join the firm

Laurie and Anick Marchand became valuable additions to the architecture firm, showcasing their promising talents through their involvement in various regional projects.


Achieving LEED Accredited Professional Status and Joining the Order of Architects

Anick and Laurie Marchand obtained their LEED Accredited Professional credentials and became members of the Order of Architects, solidifying their credibility and expertise in the field of sustainable development.


Anick and Laurie Marchand become partners at the firm

Anick and Laurie Marchand become partners of the architecture firm, showcasing their success and contributions to the completion of numerous sustainable projects. This step positions them to take on future leadership roles within the company.


Retirement of Brian Faubert

After 33 years at MLS, with 25 of those years as a senior partner and leading architect for northern projects, Brian Faubert is embarking on a well-deserved retirement.